It was a bit of a Deja vu when I read the syllabus for the seminar New Media and Society. As a part of our final grade, students are required to start writing a blog, which was also one of the assignments we had to do for the Social Media class I took when I studied at Oklahoma State University as an exchange student. This seemed like a great, if not perfect, opportunity to revive the blog I was writing. Considering that the topics of both blogs are related, I decide not to start a new blog but to continue with the one I started two years ago.

I got my Bachelor’s degree in Media and Communication Studies and I’m currently a postgraduate student in the program Strategic marketing. I find new media and all different options they offer interesting thus I decided to attend New Media and Society seminar. I’m also planning to write my Master’s thesis in connection with new media (social media) and its strategic use in marketing/PR/advertising and this seminar may provide many useful information and knowledge.

Before taking Social Media class, I was using some social network sites (mostly Facebook), instant communication tools (Skype, MSN) and digital libraries for my personal purposes and never thought of this tools as something that can be usefully applied to professional or academic sphere. I became more acquainted with other tools offered in digital communication environments during the before-mentioned class, where we were required to use Twitter, LinkedIn, Digg, delicious, Flickr etc. We also used Wikis and Ning platform on which we created site for purposes of the class work.

Knowledge is a way for better and easier usage of the new tools that digital world is offering therefore I hope to learn many useful things during this course.